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sno:la Something new again!

We found earth-friendly Organic Yogurt!

Now, one of LA girls' favorite sweets is frozen yogurt, which is low in calories and fat. Yet, Sno:la's commitment to quality of their frozen yogurt must be one of the highest
Sno:la's yogurt is totally different from ones we see anywhere in the city; it's not gelato or icecream ... Its rich taste is like chocolate parfait but also has a pleasant aftertaste.
Just like seeing snow for the first time, it is almost surprising to find such a new type of dessert.
The reason why you can keep eating Sno:la endlessly is because it's made from Organic ingredients. You'll want to come back once you eat it, no matter how concerned you are for your health. It's understandable why so many people visit from afar for Sno:la.
This store is not just good for your emotional and physical health, but also good for the environment. All the plates and utensils are made of natural materials, which return to the soil. The walls and the bar are built with recycled timber. The colorant used for those walls and the bar is not an actual paint, but a colorant, which is made from beans. They are making such a thoroughgoing effort!
Now, they are developing solar energy system so as to use solar thermal energy. We will be able to taste frozen yogurt with a touch of the sun.

[via JPy]